Per App gegen Hautleiden: Nia Health erhält Millionen-Finanzierung

  • Das Berliner Health-Tech Startup Nia Health erhält 3,5 Millionen Euro in einer Seed-Finanzierungsrunde.
  • Das Unternehmen entstammt der Universitätsmedizin Charité und betreibt führende Dermatologie-Apps, darunter “Nia”, die am häufigsten heruntergeladene App für Menschen mit Neurodermitis.
  • Das Unternehmen verfügt über ein Netzwerk aus namhaften Kooperationspartnern bestehend aus Pharmaunternehmen, Krankenkassen und Kliniken.
  • Das große Potenzial liegt vor allem in der Expertise von Nia Health im Bereich Real World Evidence. Dabei handelt es sich um vollständig anonymisierte medizinische Informationen aus dem Versorgungsalltag von Patient:innen. Mit ihrer Hilfe lässt sich die Gesundheitsversorgung maßgeblich verbessern.
Tobias Seidl (CEO & Co-Founder) und Oliver Welter (CTO & Co-Founder)

Berlin, 15.5.2023 – Nia Health, ein Spin-off der Berliner Universitätsmedizin Charité, bietet digitale Lösungen für die Behandlung und Unterstützung von Betroffenen mit chronischen Hauterkrankungen. Zu seinen Produkten gehören digitale Therapeutika wie die führende Neurodermitis-App Nia, Technologien zum Monitoring von Patient:innen und zur Durchführung klinischer Studien. In einer Seed-Runde hat das Startup nun 3,5 Millionen Euro erhalten. Lead-Investor ist der High-Tech Gründerfonds. Beteiligt waren adesso ventures, Ventura BioMed Investors, dem Fund von Pharma-Branchengröße Dr. Kurt Schwarz, sowie weitere Investoren.

Das frische Kapital wird zum einen in die Expansion fließen: Geplant sind der Ausbau des Marktanteils im deutschsprachigen Raum, der Launch in weiteren EU-Ländern in den nächsten 24 Monaten, sowie die Vorbereitung auf den US-Markteintritt. Zum anderen wird die Finanzierung zur Weiterentwicklung der innovativen, KI-basierten Technologie eingesetzt, die Machine Vision, Natural Language Processing und Teledermatologie integriert. Die Technologie des Unternehmens wird derzeit in insgesamt fünf klinischen Studien, unter anderem an der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin zur Untersuchung der therapiebegleitenden Wirksamkeit der Nia App, angewendet – mit Erfolg: “Die in der randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie eingesetzte Lösung von Nia Health zeigt positive Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität der Patient:innen,” betont Prof. Dr. med. Margitta Worm, Allergologin und Immunologin an der Charité.

“Die Seed-Finanzierung erlaubt uns einen massiven Ausbau unsere KI- und Entwicklungskapazitäten um die individuellen Bedürfnisse von Patientinnen und Patienten mit chronischen Hauterkrankungen bestmöglich zu adressieren”, sagt Oliver Welter, Mitgründer und CTO von Nia Health. “Darüber hinaus profitieren wir vom Knowhow unserer Investoren, etwa von der Pharma-Kompetenz von Ventura BioMed Investors und der IT-Kompetenz von adesso für die Skalierung.”

Zukunftsträchtig ist vor allem die Expertise von Nia Health im Bereich Real World Evidence. Im Unterschied zu klinischen Studien zeigen die Daten, wie Therapien tatsächlich genutzt werden. Pharmafirmen und andere Anbieter therapeutischer Leistungen können anhand dieser Daten die Versorgung maßgeblich verbessern. Die wachsende Bedeutung von Real World Evidence zeigt sich in den Zahlen von Nia Health: Allein im vergangenen Jahr konnte das Startup seinen Umsatz im Vergleich zu 2021 mehr als verdoppeln. Zu seinen Partnern zählen Sanofi, Pfizer, LEO Pharma sowie große gesetzliche Krankenkassen wie die Kaufmännische Krankenkasse KKH oder die AOK PLUS.

“Wir verfolgen die Entwicklung von Nia Health bereits seit der Gründung. Uns hat das kapitaleffiziente Wachstum des Ventures der letzten Jahre überzeugt. Im Markt für Real-World-Evidenzen sehen wir massives Potential – vor allem in der Dermatologie, wo Nia Health eine akute Versorgungslücke adressiert”, sagt Niels Sharman, Investment-Manager beim High-Tech Gründerfonds.

Andreas Jenne, CEO Ventura BioMed Investors fügt hinzu: “Die Gründer von Nia Health haben mich von Anfang an begeistert. Sie haben es verstanden, früh mit den Kassen und der Industrie zu kooperieren und somit signifikante Umsätze zu erzielen.”

Über Nia Health

Nia Health ist ein Spin-off des Berliner Universitätsklinikums Charité. Das Startup entwickelt ein klinisches Diagnose- und Therapiesystem zur kontinuierlichen digitalen Unterstützung von Patient:innen mit chronischen Hauterkrankungen. Mit ihrer Plattform adressiert Nia Health eine oft stark unterversorgte Patientenpopulation und generiert dabei behandlungsrelevante Real-World-Evidenzen. Mit ihrem innovativen Machine-Vision Ansatz ermöglicht Nia Health eine exakte Dokumentation des Krankheits- und Therapieverlaufs und somit eine optimierte Behandlung. Das Unternehmen arbeitet eng mit deutschen Patientenverbänden und führenden Klinikern zusammen und konnte bereits namhafte Kunden aus der Versicherungs- und Pharmabranche gewinnen. Unter anderem entwickelten die Berliner die preisgekrönten und weltweit als erste digitale Medizinprodukte ihrer Art zugelassenen Apps in den Feldern Neurodermitis (Nia) sowie Psoriasis (Sorea). Durch die digitalen medizinischen Lösungen von Nia Health erhalten tausende Patienten und Angehörige tägliche Unterstützung.

Victoria Ott, PIABO PR
Nina Pressentin, PIABO PR

Über den High-Tech Gründerfonds

Der Seedinvestor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) finanziert Technologie-Start-ups mit Wachstumspotential und hat seit 2005 mehr als 700 Start-ups begleitet. Mit dem Start des vierten Fonds hat der HTGF rund 1,4 Milliarden Euro under Management. Das Team aus erfahrenen Investment Managern und Start-up-Experten unterstützt die jungen Unternehmen mit Know-how, Unternehmergeist und Leidenschaft. Der Fokus liegt auf High-Tech Gründungen aus den Bereichen Digital Tech, Industrial-Tech, Life Sciences, Chemie und angrenzende Geschäftsfelder. Mehr als 4,5 Milliarden Euro Kapital investierten externe Investoren bislang in mehr als 2.000 Folgefinanzierungsrunden in das HTGF-Portfolio. Außerdem hat der Fonds bereits Anteile an 170 Unternehmen erfolgreich verkauft. Zu den Fondsinvestoren der Public-Private-Partnership zählen das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, die KfW Capital sowie 45 Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen.

High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Tobias Jacob, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager
T.: +49 228 – 82300 – 121 

Using an app to combat skin conditions: Nia Health receives millions in funding

  • The Berlin-based health tech start-up Nia Health receives 3.5 million euros in a seed financing round.
  • The company originates from the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and operates leading dermatology apps, including “Nia”, the most widely downloaded app for people with atopic dermatitis.
  • The company has a network of renowned cooperation partners consisting of pharmaceutical companies, health insurance companies and clinics.
  • The great potential lies above all in Nia Health’s expertise in the area of real world evidence. This is completely anonymized medical information from the everyday care of patients. With its help, healthcare can be significantly improved.
Tobias Seidl (CEO & co-founder) and Oliver Welter (CTO & co-founder)

Berlin, 15.5.2023 – Nia Health, a spin-off of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, offers digital solutions for the treatment and support of sufferers of chronic skin conditions. Its products include digital therapeutics, such as the leading atopic dermatitis app Nia, and technologies for monitoring patients and conducting clinical trials. The start-up has now received €3.5 million in a seed funding round. The lead investor is High-Tech Gründerfonds. The other investors were adesso ventures, Ventura BioMed Investors, the fund of pharmaceutical industry expert Dr. Kurt Schwarz, and other investors.

The fresh capital will be used for expansion: It is planned to expand the market share in German-speaking countries, launch in other EU countries in the next 24 months and prepare for the US market entry.

Furthermore, the funding will be used to further develop the innovative, AI-based technology that integrates machine vision, natural language processing and teledermatology. The company’s technology is currently being used in a total of five clinical studies, including one at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin to investigate the therapy-accompanying effectiveness of the Nia App – with success: “The Nia Health solution used in the randomised, controlled study shows positive effects on the patients’ quality of life,” emphasises Prof. Dr. med. Margitta Worm, allergist and immunologist at the Charité.

“The seed funding allows us to massively expand our AI and development capabilities to best address the individual needs of patients with chronic skin conditions,” says Oliver Welter, co-founder and CTO of Nia Health. “In addition, we benefit from the cross-sector expertise of our strong consortium of investors. With Ventura BioMed Investors, we have a partner with many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry on board, while in parallel we can draw on adesso’s expertise to scale our IT landscape.”

Nia Health’s expertise in the area of real world evidence is particularly promising for the future. In contrast to clinical trials, the data shows how therapies are actually used. Pharmaceutical companies and other providers of therapeutic services can use this data to significantly improve care. The growing importance of real world evidence is reflected in Nia Health’s figures: last year alone, the start-up more than doubled its revenue compared to 2021. Its partners include Sanofi, Pfizer, LEO Pharma as well as large statutory health insurers such as the Kaufmännische Krankenkasse KKH or AOK PLUS.

“We have been following the development of Nia Health since its establishment and have been convinced by the venture’s capital-efficient growth in recent years. In the market for real world evidence, we see massive potential – especially in dermatology, where Nia Health addresses an acute gap in care,” says Niels Sharman, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds.

Andreas Jenne, CEO of Ventura BioMed Investors, adds: “The founders of Nia Health excited me from the beginning. They understood how to cooperate with insurance companies and the industry at an early stage and thus generate significant revenues.”

About Nia Health

Nia Health is a spin-off of the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The start-up develops a clinical diagnosis and therapy system for the continuous digital support of patients with chronic skin conditions. With its platform, Nia Health addresses an often highly underserved patient population and generates treatment-relevant real world evidence. With its innovative machine vision approach, Nia Health enables accurate documentation of disease and therapy progression and thus optimised treatment. The company works closely with German patient associations and leading clinicians and has already won reputable customers from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Amongst others, the Berlin-based company has developed the award-winning apps in the fields of atopic dermatitis (Nia) and psoriasis (Sorea), which were the first digital medical products of their kind to be approved worldwide. The digital medical solutions from Nia Health provide daily support for thousands of patients and their families.

Media Contact
Victoria Ott, PIABO PR
Nina Pressentin, PIABO PR

About High-Tech Gründerfonds

The seed investor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) finances technology start-ups with growth potential and has supported more than 700 start-ups since 2005. With the launch of the fourth fund, HTGF has around 1.4 billion euros under management. The team of experienced investment managers and start-up experts supports the young companies with know-how, entrepreneurial spirit and passion. The focus is on high tech start-ups in the fields of digital tech, industrial tech, life sciences, chemistry and related business areas. More than 4.5 billion euros of capital have been invested in the HTGF portfolio by external investors in more than 2,000 follow-on financing rounds to date. In addition, the fund has already successfully sold shares in 170 companies. The fund investors of the public-private partnership include the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, KfW Capital and 45 companies from a wide range of industries.
Media Contact
High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Tobias Jacob, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager
T.: +49 228 – 82300 – 121

Nia Health and Sanofi continue their successful partnership

Berlin, 02/16/2023. Nia Health GmbH, manufacturer of the atopic dermatitis app Nia, and the healthcare company Sanofi will continue and further expand their successful collaboration in the future. Sanofi has already been a partner of Nia Health since the beginning of 2021 and was the first healthcare company to work alongside the Charité spin-off.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common chronic disease of the skin, in which inflammation often occurs in episodes and whose course can be aggravated by allergic reactions. It is accompanied by a very itchy skin rash and affects both children and adults.

The Berlin-based digital health company Nia Health has developed the Nia app, the first digital medical product for patients with atopic dermatitis. Patients use Nia to document the course of their disease and identify triggers for flare-ups. Scientific metrics are used for this purpose. In addition, users receive medical background knowledge about the disease to better understand and manage it. The app is the most widely used app in this indication and has already received several awards.

The collaboration between Nia Health GmbH and Sanofi, which has been in place since 2021, has now been extended for the second time. Markus Isenmann, Franchise Head Immunology at Sanofi, justifies the continuation of the collaboration as follows: “ Digitization in patient care is an enormously important advance. With this partnership, we want to help shape the future of patient care and create new awareness for digital support services.“

Tobias Seidl, CEO and Co-Founder of Nia Health, adds: „We are very pleased to have such a strong partner as Sanofi remain at our side. We share the same vision and are convinced that together we can help even more patients.“

About Nia Health

Nia Health offers fully integrated and digital support to sufferers of chronic skin diseases. Founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the Berlin Charité, Nia Health developed, among other things, the award-winning and most widely used medical atopic dermatitis app in Europe. Through Nia Health’s digital medical products, thousands of patients and relatives receive daily support.

About Sanofi

Sanofi is an innovative global healthcare company with a single purpose: to explore the wonders of science to improve people’s lives. The team is committed to changing medical practice in more than 100 countries, making the impossible possible. Sanofi provides millions of people worldwide with life-saving vaccines and treatment options that have the potential to improve lives. In doing so, the healthcare company places sustainability and social responsibility at the heart of everything it does.

Tobias Seidl

Nia Health and LEO Pharma expand cooperation

Berlin/Neu-Isenburg, December 19, 2022. Berlin-based Nia Health GmbH and Neu-Isenburg-based pharmaceutical company LEO Pharma have agreed to expand their cooperation. Together, the digital therapy management of patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (AD) is to be further improved. 

Nia Health and LEO Pharma have expanded their collaboration in the field of digital therapy management of patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.

Dr. Marc A. Heim, Managing Director of LEO Pharma Germany

Dr. Marc A. Heim, Managing Director of LEO Pharma Germany, is very pleased about the expansion of the partnership: „With Nia Health, we have a strong ally at our side who thinks just as patient-centered and innovative as LEO Pharma. Together with Nia Health, we want to further improve the care and thus the quality of life of patients with atopic dermatitis.“

Tobias Seidl, CEO and co-founder of Nia Health, concurs: „With the development of our atopic dermatitis app Nia, we offer the first digital medical product for patients with atopic dermatitis that is considered a digital complement to treatment. The Nia app thus offers patients real added value.“

Sufferers use Nia to document their disease progression using photo documentation and clinical metrics, and to identify relapse triggers. In addition, users can track their medications and receive medical background knowledge about their disease to better understand and manage it.

As a research-based pharmaceutical company with a focus on the field of dermatology, LEO Pharma develops modern therapeutic options to meet the needs of patients faster and in a more personalized way. For example, LEO Pharma offers Adtralza®(Tralokinumab), a biologic for the treatment of adolescents aged 12 and older and adults with moderate to severe AD who are candidates for systemic therapy.

About Nia Health

Nia Health offers fully comprehensive and digital support to sufferers of chronic skin diseases. Founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the Berlin Charité, Nia Health developed, among other things, the award-winning and in Europe most used medical atopic dermatitis app Nia. Through Nia Health’s digital medical products, thousands of patients and relatives receive daily support.

About LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma, founded in 1908, has dedicated itself to research and development to advance the science of medical dermatology for decades, setting new standards in the treatment of people with skin diseases. Headquartered in Denmark, LEO Pharma supports 93 million patients in more than 130 countries with a global team of 5,500 employees. The German subsidiary with 180 employees is located in Neu-Isenburg.

Innovations “Made in Berlin” – Nia Health receives DEEP TECH Award

Berlin, 17 June 2022. Nia Health receives the DEEP TECH Award in the Artificial Intelligence category. Among 70 participating companies, the digital medical device manufacturer Nia Health, founded in 2019, prevailed. Economics Senator Schwarz presented this year’s award in the categories AI, IoT/Industry 4.0, Blockchain, IT Security and Social/Sustainable Tech.

A total of 15 finalist teams were invited to the DEEP TECH Awards ceremony on Wednesday evening. All of them stand out as application-oriented and proven solutions, with a high degree of innovation and great future potential. The award, worth a total of €50,000, is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and presented by the Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry. The evaluation and selection of the winners is carried out by a jury of experts.

A platform that serves various applications – this is how Deep Tech works

Every year, the expert jury faces the challenge of deciding on a winner from the diversity and breadth of submissions in the Artificial Intelligence category. This year, Nia Health was able to successfully stand out against other competitors with its cross-platform, patient-centred Deep Tech solution. Not only the patient-centred technical solution, but above all the high social relevance that Nia Health can demonstrate with its digital health apps already established in the health market, the atopic dermatitis app Nia and the psoriasis app Sorea, were decisive for the decision-making of the expert jury.

In his laudation, Jack Thoms praised the added value of the Nia Health Apps on the doctor-patient level. In addition to the aspect of patient empowerment, Thoms sees a lot of potential in the Nia Health platform to considerably relieve the overburdened health system. The deputy spokesperson of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) also praised the business model of a cross-indication platform.

Senator Stephan Schwarz übergibt Tobias Seidl (CEO, Co-Gründer Nia Health) den DEEP TECH Award. Credit:Christoph Soeder / Deep Tech Berlin
Senator Stephan Schwarz übergibt Tobias Seidl (CEO, Co-Gründer Nia Health) den DEEP TECH Award. Credit:Christoph Soeder / Deep Tech Berlin

Tobias Seidl, CEO and co-founder of Nia Health GmbH, accepted the award on Wednesday evening. The CEO once again emphasised the team’s motivation:

“There is an extreme medical need, especially in the indication fields in which we offer solutions. When it became clear to us in 2018 that there was not yet a solution for this indication, we decided to build it ourselves.”

Millions of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients can already benefit
The apps Nia and Sorea help patients and relatives of patients to cope with chronic skin diseases and to successfully manage everyday life. Empowerment and enhancement of quality of life is a priority with these digital health apps. The independent documentation of the skin condition with the help of clinically validated metrics, the support in identifying potential relapse triggers and the provision of medically validated information through training material and expert videos form the cornerstones of both applications. Developed with dermatology experts and opinion leaders, Nia and Sorea are the most popular apps in their fields in Europe.

Overview of the winners in all categories:

DEEP TECH Award in the category Artificial Intelligence: Nia Health
DEEP TECH Award in the category Internet of Things/Industry 4.0: micropsi industries GmbH
DEEP TECH Award in the category IT Security: Verimi GmbH
DEEP TECH Award in the category Blockchain: $STYLE.Protocol (styleXchange UG)
DEEP TECH Award in the category Social/Sustainable Tech: macht.sprache. (Gasser und von Rath GbR)

About Nia Health:

Nia Health offers fully comprehensive and digital support to sufferers of chronic skin conditions. Founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the Berlin Charité, Nia Health developed the award-winning and most-used neurodermatitis app in Germany. Thousands of patients and relatives receive daily support thanks to Nia.

Tobias Seidl

New cooperation partner: AOK PLUS reimburses the Eczema App Nia

Just now, AOK PLUS has entered into a cooperation with Nia Health. As of now, it will cover the costs for the premium version of the Eczema App Nia, as one of a total of five statutory health insurers. Especially in this difficult time of the year for people suffering from atopic dermatitis, AOK PLUS is now providing even more support for its 3.4 million insured members.

Eczema, also often used as a synonym for atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis. The non-contagious skin disease manifests itself through excruciating itching, dry skin and redness, even blistering. Especially at this time of the year, the cold outside temperatures and dry heating air can cause worser skin conditions. Those who are affected, suffer physically and psychologically as a result of the disease, which is particularly tragic since half of the patients are children.

The Eczema App Nia supports those affected day by day with fully comprehensive digital support. The goal here is to help sufferers regain control over their skin condition and empower them in their management of the disease. Together with AOK PLUS, the Berlin-based company and Charité spin-off Nia Health wants to make the Nia App available to even more people suffering from atopic dermatitis.

More and more health insurance companies reimburse the Nia App

“For us, the cooperation with AOK PLUS is another milestone. It’s great to see that more and more health insurance companies are becoming our partners and supporters. Together with AOK PLUS, we are getting a bit closer to our common goal – to reach more people affected by the disease.“

explains Tobias Seidl, CEO and Co-Founder of Nia Health.

The award winning Eczema App Nia – fully comprehensive digital support

To achieve its goal, Nia takes a holistic approach. For example, photo documentation of skin condition is complemented by the use of PO-SCORAD, a clinical metric. Nia offers functionalities to identify potential, highly individualised thrust triggers for flare-ups.
The Nia App thus records and evaluates severity, quality of life limitations and atopic dermatitis flare-ups. Beyond that, those affected can obtain helpful background knowledge and tips & tricks for everyday life in the knowledge section through scientifically validated articles and videos. The information and content provided is based on the renowned AGNES e.V curriculum and was developed with experts.

The Eczema App Nia has been approved as a medical product, has won several innovation competitions and is used by thousands of adults as well as parents with affected children. It is the most widely used Eczema app in German-speaking countries.

About AOK PLUS: 

AOK PLUS is the largest statutory health insurance fund in Saxony and Thuringia and serves more than 3.4 million insured persons, with continuous growth. Germany’s sixth-largest health insurance company values innovative approaches to improving the care situation of its insured.

Press contact:
Tobias Seidl

New partner: LEO Pharma and Nia Health are cooperating

Nia Health GmbH from Berlin welcomes LEO Pharma as a new pharmaceutical cooperation partner. LEO Pharma focuses on dermatological indications. Among other fields, the company is pushing innovative treatment options for atopic dermatitis. 

Atopic dermatitis, also known as (atopic) eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that is very widespread in the population. Patients often suffer from painful itching and dry, cracked skin that can develop into wounds.

Digital applications are increasingly becoming an important part of therapy management

People suffering from atopic eczema often deal with enormous physical and psychological stress. The innovative eczema app Nia supports these patients on a daily basis with comprehensive digital support. As a digital treatment supplement, in addition to the existing therapy, Nia offers a holistic approach by providing users many functions to document the skin condition and identify potential triggers for flare-ups through clinically validated scores and photo documentation. Further, those affected receive many practical tips and background knowledge on the topics of medication, nutrition, psychology and personal hygiene through articles and videos based on the renowned AGNES e.V. curriculum. 

The award-winning eczema app Nia is registered as a medical device and is the most widely used medical eczema app in Europe. It was launched in 2019 by the Berlin-based company Nia Health, a spin-off of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Portraitfotos von Dr. Franz Peter Kesseler, General Manager LEO Pharma GmbH Germany

Dr. Franz Peter Kesseler, General Manager of LEO Pharma Germany, is looking forward to the collaboration: „In line with our corporate philosophy, we support innovative approaches such as the Nia App. In particular, digital applications are increasingly becoming an important component in the therapy of chronic diseases.“

Tobias Seidl, CEO and co-founder of Nia Health, is also pleased about the cooperation with the new supporter LEO Pharma:

„The exchange with LEO Pharma about common goals was excellent. The collaborative further development of innovative technologies has great potential.”

About LEO Pharma:

LEO Pharma is a global pharmaceutical company and has been helping to improve the quality of life of millions of people with its products for more than a century. In recent years, the research-based company has increasingly specialised in dermatology. LEO Pharma was founded as early as 1908 and combines experience and tradition with innovation, which is why the company sees itself as the modern face of dermatology. It is part of LEO Pharma’s corporate philosophy to meet the therapeutic needs of patients with skin and thrombotic diseases in a faster and more personalised way.

About Nia Health:

Nia Health provides full digital support to patients with chronic conditions using innovative medical software. The medical device company was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of Charité Berlin. Its first product, the award-winning eczema app Nia, provides daily support to thousands of patients and their families. Nia is now the most widely used eczema app in German-speaking countries. In addition, Nia is the first eczema app ever to be registered as a medical product. Nia is already recommended by leading statutory health insurers. In October 2020, the psoriasis app Sorea, the second product based on the innovative technology of the Berlin-based Start-Up, was launched.

Continue to the publication on the LEO Pharma website.

Tobias Seidl

Pfizer becomes new cooperation partner of Nia Health

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most widespread chronic skin diseases. Painful itching, dry skin and redness make life difficult for atopic dermatitis patients. Not only physically, but also psychologically. This is where the Nia App comes in as an addition to the existing therapy: It supports those affected day by day with fully comprehensive digital support.  The holistic approach offers users many functions to document the skin condition and identify potential triggers for flare-ups. On the other hand, those affected receive many practical tips and background knowledge on the topics of medication, nutrition, psychology and personal hygiene. The information and content provided is based on the renowned AGNES e.V curriculum. The award-winning app is the most widely used neurodermatitis app in German-speaking countries, as well as the first app of its kind ever to be approved as a medical product. It was launched in 2019 by the Berlin-based company Nia Health, a spin-off of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Now Nia Health has a new, strong cooperation partner in Pfizer. The sponsorship and cooperation will create new opportunities for the further development of the Nia App.

“We’re proud to receive the support and trust of such an established company as Pfizer. With them as a supporter and partner, we have the opportunity to further develop the app for atopic dermatitis sufferers.” Said Tobias Seidl, founder and CEO of Nia Health, when announcing the cooperation.

And also Dr. Karsten Graudenz, Managing Director Pfizer Pharma GmbH, sees a lot of potential in Nia:

“The expansion of digital care and treatment supplements in the health sector is important to us. Supporting the further development of the Nia App as a sponsor is the right step towards better quality, personalised medical care for people with atopic dermatitis. In this way, we can make a valuable contribution together.”

About Pfizer: 

Pfizer is one of the world’s leading innovative biopharmaceutical companies. In addition to the discovery, development and production of innovative drugs and vaccines, the company is also driving medical progress in the area of digitalization with the Pfizer Healthcare Hub. Breakthroughs that change patients‘ lives serves as the guiding principle. Protecting patients from diseases, supporting them effectively in their lives with illnesses, and helping them to overcome diseases is the major goal. In the field of atopic dermatitis, Pfizer has therefore already developed the dynamic Eczema Inside Out program on an international level to inspire those affected by atopic dermatitis to communicate the full impact of this chronic inflammatory skin disease beyond the physical symptoms. Their work aims to make everyday life easier for people living with chronic inflammatory conditions like atopic dermatitis.

Tobias Seidl